ESP Dust Collector​

ESP Dust Collector​
ESP Dust Collector​
ESP Dust Collector​

ESP dust collector is an equipment that captures dust in exhaust gases by passing a high-voltage direct current between dust collector electrodes, causing them to stick.

  • Available to collect up to 0.001μm of fine particles
  • Efficiency is high (99.9% or higher)
  • The pressure loss is low and the power cost of the blower is low.
  • Easy to repair
  • Suitable for treatment of high volume & temperature gas
  • Suitable to collect dust (0.001 ~ 10 μm)
  • Removal of copper smelting exhaust gases
  • Industrial factory dust removal
  • Waste incineration dust removal
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical dust removal
  • Fume dust collection for local exhaust
Related Equipment
Dust Collection Equipment
Bag Filter​

Bag filter is an equipment that use filtration to separate dust particulates from dusty gases.
