

Clarifier is an equipment that combines coagulation, floculation and sedimentation tanks into one. It injects a coagulant aid into the raw water to remove turbidity-causing impurities such as mud particles, organic matter, bacteria, colloid, etc., so that the sludge produced after the floculation of suspended solids is deposited and gets clean treated water.

Sludge Recirculation Apply a coagulant aid to the raw water to floculate the impurities and mix them with the newly introduced water to grow into a large floc. Some of the larger flocs that have grown continue to circulate in the compound, some periodically take out, and clean treated water is released through the trough of the water surface.
Sludge Blanket If impurities that cause turbidity are raised from the bottom of the sedimentation tank by injecting coagulant aid into the raw water and growing into a large floc, the large floc is balanced with the rising speed and stopped in the water to form a layer of sludge blanket. At this time, the water separated by solids passes through the blanket layer, and is filtered through the trough of the water surface.
  • Suitable for raw water conditions with small changes in turbidity and water temperature.
  • Suitable for raw water conditions with little variation in water flow rate.
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